Contact Us
Palolo Chinese Home
Main Line: (808) 737-2555
Fax: (808) 748-4916
Admissions & Respite Care
(808) 564-5226 or (808) 564-5227
Fax: (808) 748-4916
Senior Day Care (SDC)
(808) 748-4907
Fax: (808) 748-7998
Palolo Wellness Program (PWP)
Home Care, Home Cleaning, Companionship
(808) 748-4907 or (808) 748-4909
Meals-to-Go (MTG)
(808) 739-6031
Adult Residential Care Home
Lani Ward Booth Hall
(808) 748-4912 or (808) 748-4913
Fax: (808) 748-4942
Social Services
(808) 564-5223 or (808) 564-5220
Business Services
(808) 564-5228 (general billing issues)
(808) 564-5225 (PWP/SDC/MTG billing)
Fax: (808) 564-5294
Environmental Services
(808) 748-4932
Fax: (808) 748-4936
Food Services
(808) 748-4918 or (808) 748-4919
Fax: (808) 748-4947
Human Resource & Volunteer Services
(808) 564-5235 or (808) 564-5236
Fax: (808) 564-5296
Assistant Administrator
(808) 748-4910
Executive & Fund Development Office
(808) 748-4904 or (808) 564-5237
Fax: (808) 748-7997
Activities & Volunteer
(808) 564-5217
Skilled & Intermediate Nursing Facility
Weinberg Hall 1st Floor
(808) 748-4924 or (808) 748-4922
Fax: (808) 748-4942
Harry Wong Hall Pikake
(808) 564-5201 or (808) 564-5202
Fax: (808) 564-5297
Harry Wong Hall Ilima/Lehua
(808) 564-5204 or (808) 564-5206
Fax: (808) 564-5298
Rehabilitation Services
(808) 564-5218
Fax: (808) 564-5299
Director of Nursing
(808) 748-4938
Assistant Director of Nursing
(808) 748-4905
Planning a visit to Palolo Chinese Home?
Please feel free to download a map of our on-site facilities to help you. You can download the map here.
“The PCH Rehab staff is wonderful. I am very grateful to the entire PCH rehab staff (speech, physical, occupational), for the time and care they have given to my mom.
They gave her the confidence and strength that she needs to get better. Because of their continued efforts, I feel that my mom will be able to function a lot better when she returns home.”
– Ann Harada-Goodell